“Bombing civilian places, killing civilians, blocking humanitarian aid are the actions of the organization and not of the state.”
Nicholas Heras is the head of the Strategy and Innovation Department at the New Lines Institute and is also an expert on Middle East Security.
Heras evaluated Erdogan’s position on Israel and Palestine, especially his statements in the last two days for Voice of America.
“Erdogan is personally concerned with the status of the Palestinians and he sees the problem of Palestine in the framework of the former role of the Ottoman Empire as the head of that region,” Heras told Voice of America.
The Turkish president stated that Israel does not act “like a state” in Gaza and its unbalanced attacks may put it in an undesirable situation in the eyes of the world.
He said that civilians are organizations’ position, but Israel also acts like organizations.
Read more here: https://www.dengeamerika.com/a/rte_hamas_israil/7306621.html